



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) wheel.


1. (verb) to revolve, spin, rotate, twirl, move around, produce a humming sound with a disc.

Koirā te tau i porotiti haere ai a Tahupōtiki i roto o Taranaki me Waimarino ki te rapu tamariki i roto i ngā whānau Metoriti, hei tuku ki Turakina (TTR 1996:35). / That was the year that Tahupōtiki went around Taranaki and Waimarino seeking pupils for Turakina among Methodist families.

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Synonyms: porotītiti, takaporepore, huri, hurihuri, takahuri, takahurihuri, tāwhiowhio

2. (modifier) round, circular.

I te taha o te toka roa, e rua ngā kōhatu porotiti, kotahi putu pea te whānui (RK 1994:25). / Beside the long rock were two round stones about one foot wide.

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Synonyms: kōpio, porotītiti, porotaitaka, porokawa, tōpuku, whakaawhiwhi, karapoi, whiringa, kunekune, kōtakataka, porowhita, rauna

3. (noun) spinning disc, humming disc - disc with two holes through which a string is threaded and used to make the disc spin.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 169-170;)

Nā, ka tae te mahi, he kū, he pākuru, he tō, he pūtōrino, he kōauau, he tōrehe, he tī papaki ringa, he porotiti, he kaupeka - kāore a Kae i kata (JPS 1928:270). / So they tried playing kū, pākuru, tō, pūtōrino, kōauau, tōrehe, hand-clapping, porotiti, and kaupeka - but Kae did not laugh.

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4. (noun) spinning, rotating, whirling, revolving, swinging, twirling.

Ka rawe anō ki te titiro atu i ngā mahi a Raukatauri; ko ngā kākahu o te hunga poi he mā katoa, rawe ana tērā te porotiti a te poi (TPH 30/11/1900:4) / It was great to watch the activities of Raukatauri; the garments of the poi performers were all white and the twirling of the poi was excellent.

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Synonyms: porotītiti, whakatīkorikori

5. (noun) counter.

He whero te porotiti ka tangohia i te ipu (i te whakamātau tūponotanga i runga nei). He putanga matapōkere tēnei nā te mea he ōrite te tūponotanga puta o ia porotiti (TRP 2010:165). / The counter taken from a container is red. This is a random outcome because the outcome probability for each counter are the same.

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porotiti waro

1. (noun) carbon disc.

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