



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) (digit) figure.

2. (noun) (mathematics) figure.


1. (verb) to be surfeited, satiated, overfull.

Kua māti i te kainga (W 1971:193). / Overfull from eating.

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Synonyms: mōtī, mākona, ora, hawa, pūnaunau, pūpā


1. (noun) fruit of tree fuchsia, Fuchsia excorticata - fruit are dark purple to almost black and about 1 cm long containing many seeds.

See also kōnini


1. (loan) (noun) match (for lighting).

E kīia ana kei ētahi wāhi o te ao ētahi, he hokohoko māti te mahi (TTT 1/11/1929:1919). / It is said that in some parts of the world there are some whose job is selling matches.

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1. (loan) (location) Maadi - an ancient town near, and now a suburb of, Cairo where New Zealand soldiers trained during the Second World War.

I a mātau i rāwāhi, i Īhipa, i te Pakanga Tuarua o te Ao, ka noho tō mātau ope ki Māti, e pātata atu ana ki Kairo (HP 1991:53). / When we were overseas, in Egypt, in the Second World War, our company lived at Maadi, close to Cairo.

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1. (noun) forefinger width - traditional measurement.

Ko te nuinga o ngā waeine aro kē mō te ine, e whakamahi ana i tētahi wāhanga o te tinana, pērā i te kōnui me te mati (hei ine i ngā mea paku), i te matikara me te mārō (TRP 2010:311). / Most of the non-standard units of measurement use a part of the body, such as the thumb or finger (for measuring small things), the handspan, and the outstretched arms (TRP 2010:311).

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2. (noun) digit.

Ko te mati tētahi tohutau kotahi. Koinei te huinga o ngā mati katoa o tō tātau pūnaha tau: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}. Arā ētahi tau e rua, nui ake rānei ōna mati. Hei tauira, he tau matirua te 34, he tau matitoru te 894 (TRP 2010:168). / A digit is a single numeral. The set of digits in our number system is: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}. Some numbers have more than two digits. 34 is a two-digit number, 894 has three digits (TRP 2010:168).

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3. (particle) Also used as a prefix to numbers, e.g. mationo (six digit).

He tau matiwhā ēnei: 3621, 9086, 4521, 3620 (TRP 2010:168). / These are four digit numbers: 3621, 9086, 4521, 3620.

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mati tāpua

1. (noun) (mathematics) significant figure.

mati whaiira

1. (noun) decimal place.

E rua ngā mati whaiira o ēnei tau: 0.36, 90.27, 398.20 (TRP 2010:168). / These numbers have two decimal places: 0.36, 90.27, 398.20.
Ko te 0, te 4 me te 9 ngā mati whaiira i tēnei tau: 13.049 (TRP 2010:168). / The decimal places of this number are 0, 4 and 9: 13.049

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karaka mati

1. (loan) (noun) digital clock.

uara mati

1. (noun) face value (of a digit).

ua mati whati

1. (noun) flexor digitorum superficialis muscle.


1. (modifier) digital (time).

Kua waia tēnei reanga ki te karaka wā-mati. / This generation is used to digital clocks.

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2. (noun) digital time.

Tuhia te tāima hei wā-mati (TRP 2010:314). / Write the time as digital time, please.

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mati whai tikanga

1. (noun) significant figure (digit).

Ko te mati whai tikanga, koia nei te nui o ngā mati e tika ana hei whakaatu i te uara o tētahi tau mēnā e whakaawhiwhia ana taua tau. Hei tauira, ko te tāroaroa o tētahi tangata - kia 3 ngā mati whai tikanga, arā pea ko te 1.76m. Kāore he take o te 1.76459m (kāore hoki e taea kia pērā rawa te tōtika o te ine). Ki te whakaawhiwhia te 0.0287 kia rua ngā mati whai tikanga, ko te 0.03 tērā. Ki te whakaawhiwhia te 3,745 kia rua ngā mati whai tikanga, ko te 3,700 tērā (TRP 2010:169). / A significant figure is the number of digits necessary to show the value of a number when rounding off, or making an approximation. For example, giving the height of a person to three significant figures would be 1.76m. The exactness of a measure such as 1.76459m would be unnecessary, and difficult to measure correctly. Rounding 0.0287 to two significant figures would be 0.03. Rounding 3,745 to two significant figures would be 3,700 (TRP 2010:169).

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1. (noun) thimble.

ua matitoro

1. (noun) digitorum muscle.

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