1. (noun) fruit of the tree fuchsia, tree fuchsia (Fuchsia excorticata) - a tree with light brown, flaky bark and leaves which drop off in winter. Dark purplish red flowers occur over spring and are followed by dark purple berries popular with birds. Found throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand. Leaves drop off in winter.
Otirā ko ā te Pākehā rākau anake e ngahoro ana ngā rau, heoi anō tā te Māori rākau i rite ki ā te Pākehā ko te kōtukutuku, arā ko te kōnini (TP 9/1903:1). / But only exotic trees are deciduous, however the native tree that is like exotic trees is the kōtukutuku (tree fuchsia), also called the kōnini.
See also kōtukutuku