



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. Applied to the youngest in a family.

2. Provoking, vexatious. Used as in the last case.

3. Foolish - often to begin a clause, as, Mokai whakaaro nana (It was foolish of him to think so).

4. Used simply as a term of opprobrium.


1. (verb) (-tia) to enslave.

Ki ahau ia kua mōkaitia a Taranaki; kātahi anō ka rangatira (MM.TKM 14/7/1860:46). / But in my opinion Taranaki have been enslaved; only recently have they been elevated.

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2. (modifier) enslaved.

Tērā pea ko te tau 1828 te tau i whakawhiti ai a Ngāti Toa me ōna hoa, ki Te Waipounamu, ki te ngaki i ngā whakamanioro a aua iwi, ki te raupatu whenua, ki te whakarau mōkai hoki (TTR 1990:247). / It was probably in 1828 that Ngāti Toa and their allies crossed to the South Island to avenge the insults of those tribes, to conquer new territories, and to take captives.

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3. (noun) servant, captive, slave, pet.

Ka mea atu te mōkai rā, ‘He hahaka nōu, he ruhi nōu i te pūkanatanga.' (TAH 9/1963:24) / The slave said, ‘You have tired yourself doing the haka and the pūkana.'

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Synonyms: maimoa, mōkaikai, mokamokai, whakapuhi, pōtiki, wheteke, tia, rōpā, pāihi, kaitonotono, hāwini, pononga, tūmau, apa

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