1. (noun) rat, Rattus exulans - also used for the larger brown Norway rat or pouhawaiki (Rattus norvegicus), the black ship rat (Rattus rattus) and the house mouse (Mus musculus).
Pērā hoki me Māui-pōtiki i tango rā i te āhua o te kāhu, o te kāeaea, o te ruru, o te kea, o te pekapeka, o te kiore, o te kererū, o te noke hoki; kātahi anō ka mate i a Hine-nui-te-pō i roto i tōna whare i Pōtaka-rongorongo. (JPS 1922:48). / It was thus that Māui-pōtiki took on the form of the harrier hawk, the New Zealand falcon, the morepork, the kea, the bat, the rat, the pigeon, and the worm; until he was finally killed by Hine-nui-te-pō in her house at Pōtaka-rongorongo.
Synonyms: hāmua, muritai, hinamoki, inamoki, porerarua, maungarua, rīroi, kaingarua, pouhawaiki, pou o Hawaiki
manawa kiore
1. (noun) last faint breath of a dying person, last gasp, give up, concede defeat, yield, give in, admit defeat, surrender, throw in the towel, forfeit, submit.
Kua kore e kaha ki te kōrero; ka oho ko te manawa anake, manawa paku; ka kīia tēnā he manawa kiore (W 1971:174). / No longer able to speak; only the heart is active and the breathing is shallow; that is said to be the breath of a dying person.
ngākau kiore
1. (noun) pokopoko, Clematis cunninghamii - woody climbing plant with yellowish green flowers found in the North Island.
See also pokopoko
Synonyms: poko, aka ngākau kiore, pokopoko, pokopoko nui a hura, pōpoko nui a hura
tūtae kiore
1. (noun) North Island eyebright, Euphrasia cuneata - a perennial herb or subshrub up to 60 cm tall; stems woody in lower parts. Flowers white. Found in open rocky places, streamsides and among scrub, from sea level to 1500 m, from East Cape to Marlborough Sounds, Lake Ellesmere and Canterbury.
kau kiore
1. (noun) backstroke.
Synonyms: kau tīraha, kauhoe tīraha
aka ngākau kiore
1. (noun) pokopoko, Clematis cunninghamii - woody climbing plant with yellowish green flowers found in the North Island.
See also pokopoko
Synonyms: poko, ngākau kiore, pokopoko, pokopoko nui a hura, pōpoko nui a hura
2. (noun) conch shell trumpet - with an attached short, wooden mouthpiece.
3. (noun) Cook's turban shell, Cookia sulcata - a large, round, heavy univalve that lives under rocks just below low tide.
See also kāeo
4. (noun) knobble whelk, Austrofusus glans - a species of medium-sized sea snail or whelk, a marine gastropod mollusc.
5. (noun) dark rock shell, snail whelk, Haustrum haustorium - a large species of predatory sea snail. The shell has a low point, weak spiral groves and large aperature. Dark brown to purple in colour, white inside. Common among rocks between tides.
He tōrino te āhua o te anga o te kākara, he anga manauri, he mā a roto, he awaawa whāiti e kōmiro ana i te anga, he waha nui tonu. / The shell shape of the dark rock shell is spiral, a dark shell that is white inside having narrow grooves spiralling around the shell and it has a quite wide mouth opening.