1. (noun) Norway rat, Rattus norvegicus - larger brown rat, arrived with the first European settlers.
Ko te kiore te ingoa noa o tēnei kararehe ki Aotearoa nei, heoi, arā atu anō ngā ingoa: maungarua, mō te kiore rahi; tāpapa, he kiore ora te tipu; torokaha, he kiore nui; tokoroa, he kiore kiritea; hāmua, he tohu aituā, kīhai i kainga (Te Ara 2016). / Kiore is the usual name given to this species in New Zealand, although there are other names: maungarua is a large rat; tāpapa a well-grown rat; torokaha a big rat; tokoroa a white rat; while hāmua was a rat considered an ill omen and was not eaten.
See also pouhawaiki
Synonyms: kiore, kaingarua, pouhawaiki, pou o Hawaiki