1. (stative) be small, unimportant, little, minute, tiny, diminutive, petite, trivial, insignificant.
Me whakaako i te wā e iti ana kia heru, kia paraihe i ō rātou māhunga (TTT 1/4/1923:2). / They should be taught to comb and brush their hair when they are small.
Synonyms: koroiti, muimui, mahake, pota, pakupaku, nonohi, riki, nohinohi, paku, kauriki, whito, mākari, tātakimōri, poniponi, pinepine, tuaiti, whengowhengo, whetau
2. (stative) be few, limited number.
3. (noun) unimportant thing, unimportant person.
He tangata atawhai nui ia ki te tāpae kai ki ngā tāngata katoa me ka tae ki tōna kāinga; e kore rawa hoki e tukua e ia te tira manuhiri kia haere ana, āpānoa kia takoto he hākari māna ki ia tangata ki ia tangata o rātou, te iti me te rahi (TWMNT 21/4/1874:95). / He was a generous person who provided food to everybody if they visited his village; he would never ever let a party of visitors leave until he had laid out a feast for each person, whether of lowly status or of importance.
4. (noun) minimum.
kopa iti
1. (noun) floor space and corner on the left on entering a wharenui - normally the place where the local people of the marae sit or sleep.
Ka tomo atu a Māhinārangi tika tonu ki te kopa iti i te taha mauī o taua whare, ka noho atu ki te taha o tōna matua (TAH 3:20). / Māhinārangi entered and went straight to the front left-hand corner of the house and sat down beside her father.
See also tara iti
tara iti
1. (noun) floor space on the left on entering a meeting house.
Ka haria mai e te manuhiri ā rātou kawenga ki roto i te wharenui. Ko rātou ki te tara nui o te whare moe ai, ko te tangata whenua ki te tara iti (TWK 46:13). / The visitors take their luggage into the meeting house. They sleep on the right side on entering a meeting house, the local people are on the left side.
2. (noun) small part, small portion.
I te tau 1867, ka whakakorea te raupatu hāunga tētahi wāhi iti nei, i uru atu ai ētahi maramara o te poraka o Kauhouroa (TTR 1998:214). / In 1867 the confiscation had been withdrawn, save for a relatively small area, which included portions of the Kauhouroa block.
3. (noun) minor, slight.
He wāhi iti nei ngā whakatikatika i ngā kupu o te waiata nei kia hāngai ai ki te kaupapa a Ngāti Ruanui (M 2004:366). / There have been some minor alterations in the text to make it agree with the Ngāti Ruanui version.
Synonyms: korokororiki, mātāmuri, itinga, hauiti
tara iti
1. (noun) fairy tern, Sterna nereis, little tern, Sterna albifrons - a very small tern uncommon in Aotearoa/New Zealand. The fairy tern is a rare native and the little tern an uncommon asian migrant.
See also tara teoteo
Synonyms: tara teo, tara teoteo
iti haere
1. (verb) to diminish, dwindle, shrink.
Erangi, ahakoa e iti haere ana te rahi me te awe o te Kīngitanga, he nui ngā āhuatanga e whakaatu mai ana kua huri haere kē tōna āhua ki tērā o te rōpū ōkawa (TTR 1996:84). / But although the size and influence of the King Movement was shrinking, in many ways it was showing that it was changing to a more formal group.
Synonyms: kōriorio, pīngongo, eti, whakakauriki, tingongo
iti iho
1. (stative) smaller, less, fewer.
E ai ki te kōrero a te whānau, kāre i iti iho i te tokoiwa ngā wāhine, tokorua ngā tāne (TTR 1996:100). / According to family information, there were no fewer than nine girls and two boys.
Synonyms: iho
pūtea iti
1. (noun) petty cash, family budget.
Hāunga anō, i runga tonu i tana pai ki te whakahaere i te pūtea iti a te whānau, ā, ahakoa ngā uaua o tērā wā, tokowhitu rawa āna tamariki i tae ki te kura tuarua (TTR 2000:89). / Yet she managed the family budget so well that, despite difficulties of that time, seven of her children went to secondary school.
Synonyms: moni ukauka
aorangi iti
1. (noun) asteroid.
Ko te aorangi iti: He maramara toka e amio ana i te rā. Ko te nuinga e noho mai ana i te ātea i waenganui i ngā aorangi o Matawhero me Pareārau (RP 2009:167). / An asteroid: A piece of rock which is orbit around the sun, mostly in the area between Mars and Jupiter (RP 2009:167).
huinga iti
1. (noun) subset (maths).
Mēnā kei roto ngā huānga katoa o tētahi huinga i tētahi huinga nui ake, ka kīia he huinga iti tētahi, he huinga nui tētahi. Ko te ⊂ hei tohu i te huinga iti, ko te ⊃ hei tohu i te huinga nui. Hei tauira: A = {1, 2, 3} E = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} Hei huinga iti te A ki te E (A ⊂ E). Hei huinga nui te E ki te A (E ⊃ A) (TRP 2010:128). / If all the elements are in a larger set, it is called a subset and the other is a superset. The symbol ⊂ is for a subset, the symbol ⊃ s for a superset. For example: A = {1, 2, 3} E = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} where A to E (A ⊂ E) is a subset. E to A (E ⊃ A) is a superset.