2. (noun) women, females, ladies, wives – plural form of wahine.
Ko tana pūtake i tohe ai ia, he tokomaha ngā wāhine e whiwhi whenua ana, ko rātou anō kei te whakahaere, he kore tungāne tonu nō rātou, he mōhio ake rānei nō rātou i ngā tāne (TTR 1994:54). / The basis of her argument was that many women owned land and they themselves administered it because they had no male relatives, or because they were more competent than the men.
See also wahine
2. (noun) woman, female, lady, wife.
Kua tīmata anō te wahine ki te mau roroa i te panekoti. E tika ana anō, i te mea kua tae kē ngā panekoti o nāianei ki runga ake i ngā turi (TTT 1/9/1929:1064). / Women have again started wearing longer skirts. And that's appropriate because currently skirts are above the knees.
Synonyms: reiri
wahine moe wahine
1. (noun) homosexual woman, lesbian.
Synonyms: takatāpui
2. (noun) lesbian.
2. (adjective) be lustful, lust after (a woman).
I taua wā ko Te Kooti te kaiārahi o tētahi rōpū ririhau, he whānako hōiho, he mate wahine ngā mahi (TTR 1994:83). / At that time Te Kooti was the leader of a turbulent group involved in stealing horses and adulterous exploits.
Synonyms: mate kanehe, tūkari, mate tāne
3. (noun) period, menstruation, menstrual cycle.
I ngā rā o nehe, ko te kope te taputapu hei pupuri i te toto i te wā o te mate wahine (PK 2008:433). / In the olden days, kope were used to stop the blood flow during menstruation.
Synonyms: takiwā, mate marama, awa o te atua, tahe, waiwhero
wahine whakawhānau
1. (noun) midwife.
Ka nuku atu ōna tau i te 34 pea, i te 35 rānei, ka tīmata te hau o tōna rongo hei wahine whakawhānau tamariki, hei tohunga whakaora i raro i te tikanga Māori, hei matakite hoki (TTR 1998:170). / When she was 34 or 35 her renown spread as a midwife, a traditional Māori healer and seer.
See also wāhine whakawhānau
Synonyms: tapuhi, kaiwhakawhānau
tipuna wahine
1. (noun) female ancestor, grandmother, great grandmother.
Otirā i mau ki a ia te wehi, te tapu, o tōna tipuna wahine o Hinematioro (M 2004:72). / But it is recognised that the prestige and tapu of his grandmother, Hinematioro, descended to and upon him.
See also tupuna wahine
tupuna wahine
1. (noun) female ancestor, grandmother, great grandmother.
Ko te tupuna tāne o Peka nō Tahiti, ko tōna tupuna wahine nō Hawai‘i (TP 9/1907:4). / Baker's grandfather was from Tahiti and his grandmother was from Hawai‘i.
He uri anō hoki ia nō te tupuna wahine, nō Waimirirangi (TTR 1990:69) / She was a descendant of the female ancestor, Waimirirangi.
2. (noun) mixed doubles.