



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) hole, pit, burrow, den, chasm, grave, mine, crater.

He rua ō ngā pōkiha, he kōhanga ō ngā manu o te rangi (HKW 6/1899:10). / Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests.

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Synonyms: kororua, maina, waro, mārua, kōruarua, kōrua, pārua, poka, pōpokorua, pokopokorua, pokorua, hāpoki, pokere

2. (noun) storage pit.

Tērā i mua tata atu kua tae tētehi tangata ki te tāhae kūmara i te rua kūmara a Mahanga. I te haerenga o Hotu-nui ka takahia e ia ngā tapuwae o tērā, ā, nō te ata ka tirohia i ngā takahanga, ka kīia nā Hotu-nui te tāhaetanga i ngā kūmara (NIT 1995:105). / Shortly before, someone had been to steal kūmara from Māhanga's kūmara storage pit. Hotu-nui had trodden in the footsteps of the thief, and in the morning when the footprints were examined it was said that Hotu-nui had stolen the kūmara.

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3. (noun) abyss - place where the heavenly bodies disappear to before reappearing again.

Te tōnga o te rā, te rerenga ki te rua (G 1853:168). / When the sun sets it travels to the abyss.

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Synonyms: kororua, waro, poka tōrere


1. (numeral) two, both, 2.

E rua ngā kōti tēnehi, me tētahi wāhi purei hōkī, otirā he wāhi motuhake mō ngā tini tākaro a ngā tamariki (TTT 1/12/1930:2201). / There were two tennis courts and a place to play hockey, indeed a special place for the many children's games.

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See also tuarua

2. (numeral) two, 2 - as in counting out things, in which case each number is preceded by ka.

Ka tīmata te tatau, "Ka tahi, ka rua, ka toru, ka whā, ka rima, ka ono, ka whitu, ka waru, ka iwa." (NM 1928:359). / She began counting them, "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine."

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3. (numeral) secondly - when preceded by ka.

Tono rawa ia kia whakaaetia te wahine kia pōti ka tahi; ka rua, i tono hoki ia kia tū hoki he mema wāhine ki roto i te Pāremata Māori (TTR 1994:54). / She requested not only that women be given the vote, but that they be eligible to sit as women members in the Māori parliament.

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4. (numeral) second (when preceded by te).

Ka pau te kotahi me te rua o ngā tau, kei te ngaro tonu a Hirini (TTR 1994:205). / The first and second years passed and Hirini was still absent.

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Synonyms: tuarua, hēkena

waiwaro rua

1. (noun) alkene.

pōtēteke rua

1. (noun) double somersault.

pere rua

1. (noun) yachting.

tūpanapana rua

1. (noun) double dribble.

taera rua

1. (adjective) bisexual.

pūrei rua

1. (noun) (softball etc) second base.

karanga rua

1. (noun) someone related through two different lines, standing in a double relationship.

Ko ōna mātua ko Hore rāua ko Kahurimu. Hei irāmutu a ia mā Te Rauangaanga, arā, ka noho karanga rua ai rāua ko Pōtatau Te Wherowhero (TTR 1990:70). / His parents were Hore and Kahurimu. He was the nephew of Te Rau-anga-anga and he and Pōtatau Te Wherowhero were related in two ways.

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See also karangarua

rua tekau mā rua mita

1. (loan) (noun) 22-metre line (rugby).

pāwhiri rua

1. (noun) double click.

kape rua

1. (noun) kōwhaiwhai pattern - sometimes written as one word, i.e. kaperua.

Ko te kape rua rā, ānō he rārangi tukemata kei runga, me te rārangi waha kei raro (PK 2008:210). / That kape rua kōwhaiwhai pattern is like a line of eyebrows along the top and a row of mouths on the bottom.

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rua tūpāpaku

1. (noun) grave, burial hole, burial place.

Ko te whānau pani e horopaki ana i te rua tūpāpaku (PK 2008:135). / The bereaved family surrounded the grave.

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pū rua

1. (noun) two pair (cards) - a poker hand that contains two cards of the same rank, plus two cards of another rank (that match each other but not the first pair), plus any card not of either rank.

pere rua

1. (noun) yacht - two sails.

Kei runga noa atu a Aotearoa mō te tauira pere rua (Te Ara 2012). / New Zealand has world dominance is yacht design.

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Synonyms: iata

rua kanapu

1. (noun) lightning flashing over mountains - places where lightning is often seen.

He tihi maunga te rua kōhā, te rua kanapu rānei ka kitea te uira e kānapanapa ana (Te Ara 2013). / A rua kōhā, or rua kanapu, was a mountain peak where lightning was seen flashing.

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Synonyms: rua kōhā

hiki rua

1. (noun) clean and jerk (weightlifting).

arero rua

1. (verb) to be two-faced, deceitful, hypocritical.

Waihoki ko ngā rīkona kia tū kaumātua, kaua e arero rua (PT 1Timoti 3:8). / Likewise must the deacons be grave, not double-tongued.

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2. (adjective) be two-faced, deceitful, hypocritical.

I tētahi tautohetohe i te Whare Pāremata i te tau 1882 mō te Pire Reiti Whenua Māori, ka whiua e ia tana whakapae mō te kāwanatanga, he arero rua, he apu whenua (NZH 2017). / In a debate in Parliament in 1882 on the Native Lands Rating Bill he accused the government of hypocrisy and land-grabbing.

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3. (noun) two-faced person, deceitfu lperson, hypocritical person, hypocrite.

Kaua e whakapono ki āna kōrero, he arero rua ia. / Don't believe what she says, she's a hypocrite.

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rua kirikiri

1. (noun) shingle pit, sand pit, bunker (golf).

Heoi i te mea nā ngā Māori ngā roto, nā rātou anō hoki te rua kirikiri (TTR 1990:227). / However, because Māori owned the lakes, they also owned the shingle pit.

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rua kōhā

1. (noun) lightning on a mountain top.

He tihi maunga te rua kōhā, te rua kanapu rānei ka kitea te uira e kānapanapa ana (Te Ara 2013). / A rua kōhā or rua kanapu was a mountain peak where lightning was seen flashing.

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See also rua kanapu

Synonyms: rua kanapu

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