



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) to be small, little.

I a ia e nohinohi tonu ana, ka pāngia a ia e te mate kohi (TTR 2000:170). / When he was still small he became ill with tuberculosis.

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2. (modifier) small, little.

Hopukina ai e ngā humenga ngā ika nohinohi me ētahi atu kararehe pakupaku, mā ō rātou kawekawe tini (TWK 36:10). / Small fish and some other small creatures are caught by the wandering sea anemones with their multitude of tentacles.

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See also nonohi

Synonyms: koroiti, muimui, mahake, pota, pakupaku, nonohi, riki, paku, kauriki, whito, mākari, tātakimōri, iti, poniponi, pinepine, tuaiti, whengowhengo, whetau

3. (noun) infant, baby, little one, littlie, tot, toddler.

He kaha rawa te mate ohorere pēpē i waenganui i ngā nohinohi Māori (Te Ara 2016). / Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is particularly high amongst Māori infants.

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Synonyms: kōngahungahu, pēpi, pēpē


1. (verb) to be small, little, in infancy.

Tekau ngā tamariki a Hapi rāua ko Rīpeka, engari tokotoru e nonohi tonu ana ka mate (TTR 1996:74). / Hapi and Rīpeka had ten children, but three died in infancy.

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2. (modifier) small, little - plural form of nohinohi.

(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 44;)

E mārama ana hoki ki a tātou, ko te whakaako i ngā tamariki nonohi kia rerekē i te whakaako i ngā tamariki kaumātua (TP 1/1906:1). / And we understand that teaching infants should be different from teaching older children.

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Synonyms: koroiti, muimui, mahake, pota, pakupaku, riki, nohinohi, paku, kauriki, whito, mākari, tātakimōri, iti, poniponi, pinepine, tuaiti, whengowhengo, whetau

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