



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) sickness, calamity.

Nā Hoani te whakamārama mō te maha noa o te hunga nā Hikapuhi i takai ō rātau mate whara, i whakaora ō rātou aitu kāore he utu (TTR 1996:54). / Hoani explained that for many people Hikapuhi had dressed their wounds and cured their sicknesses, and had taken no payment.

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Synonyms: koero, māruru, mamate, māuiuitanga, tahumaero, tūpoupou, mate


1. (personal name) atua of disaster and death.

Aitu: Ko Aitupawa, he atua nō ngā aituā (M 2004:28). / Aitu: Aitupawa, the god of disaster and death.

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See also atua


1. (noun) north-west, north-western.

I te tau 1870, ko Te Pahi o Ngā Puhi, tētahi o ngā rangatira mātāmua o te tapatapa-aitu o Pēwhairangi (TTR 1990:239). / In 1870 Te Pahi of Ngā Puhi was one of the senior chiefs of the north-western Bay of Islands.

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Synonyms: kōtiu, tapātiu, kapekape, tapatapa atiu, tapatapātiu, māuru, raki-mā-uru, hauāuru-mā-raki, uru-mā-raki


1. (location) a place mentioned in the creation narratives where Hine-tītama fled to after learning that her husband, Tāne-nui-a-rangi, was also her father. There Aituā lived in his house, Whiti-nuku. Aituā then took Hine-tītama to the entrance to Te Reinga and to Whiti-reinga where Ioio-whenua, the eldest child of Rangi-nui and Papa-tū-ā-nuku, lived. There Hine-tītama became Hine-nui-te-pō and she remains in te pō to receive the spirits of the dead.

2. (personal noun) sixth lunar month of the Māori lunar calendar - approximately equivalent to November and traditionally usd by Ngāti Awa.

Ko te putanga mai o Matariki te tohu mō te marama tuatahi, ko ngā ingoa hoki ēnei o ngā marama katoa: Te Tahi o Pipiri, Te Rua o Takurua,Te Toru Here o Pipiri, Te Whā o Mahuru, Te Rima o Kōpū, Te Ono o Whitiānaunau, Te Whitu o Hakihea, Te Waru o Rehua, Te Iwa o Rūhi-te-rangi, Te Ngahuru o Poutū-te-rangi, Te Ngahuru mā tahi, Te Ngahuru mā rua (TP 1/3/1901:6). / The appearance of Pleiades is the sign for the first month and these are the names of all the months: The first is Pipiri, the second is Takurua, the third is Here o Pipiri, the fourth is Mahuru, the fifth is Kōpū, the sixth is Whiti-ānaunau, the seventh is Hakihea, the eighth is Rehua, the ninth is Rūhi-te-rangi, the tenth is Poutūterangi, the eleventh and twelth months.

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Synonyms: Maramamātahi, Noema, Whiringa-ā-rangi

Paki o Matariki, Te

1. 'The widespread calm of Pleiades - the name of the coat of arms of the Kīngitanga which was designed by two Tainui tohunga, Tīwai Parāone of the Hauraki tribes and Te Aokatoa of the Waikato and Raukawa tribes. The work was approved in the time of King Tāwhiao, the second Māori king. The double spiral in the centre represents the creation with the series of strokes between the double lines marking off the various stages in the creation of the world. The figure on the right represents te atuatanga (spirituality) and the one on the left aituā (misfortune). The cross with the heart design represents Christianity while the seven stars represent Matariki, the Pleiades. The nīkau tree and harakeke plant on the right represent housing and clothing of the ancient Māori. The mamaku, an edible tree fern, and para, the tuber of which was used as food, are symbolic of the food of the Māori.

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 1;)

Hei tohu i te mana me te awe hoki o Mere Rikiriki, i tāpaetia atu ai e Kīngi Tāwhiao he haki māna, e mau nei te īngoa ko 'E Te Iwi Kia Ora'; kātahi te taonga matahīapo ko tēnei; ko ōna tino tohu ko Te Paki o Matariki (TTR 1996:171). / Mere Rikiriki's influence and mana is demonstrated by King Tawhiao's presentation to her of the flag with the name 'E Te Iwi Kia Ora'; this was a prized treasure with significant markings known as Te Paki o Matariki.

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