



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ria,-tia) to put on the head.

Ka mutu tēnei inoi ka mauria mai e ia te karauna ka pōtaea ki te mātenga o te kīngi (TP 6/1911:5). / When this prayer was finished he took the crown and placed it on the king's head.

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2. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ria,-tia) to put over the head (e.g. as a noose).

Ka hangā he tari, ā ka hoatu, ka pōtaeria ki tōna upoko (W 1971:391). / A noose was made and then placed over his head.

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3. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ria,-tia) to encircle, surround, envelope.

4. (noun) cap, hat, beret, top hat, stetson, beanie, covering for the head.

Ka pukuriri ia ki a mātau, ka patua mātau e ia ki tōna pōtae harakeke (HP 1991:24). / When he was angry with us he would hit us with his flax hat.

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1. (loan) (personal name) Porter.

...ā i tae anō a Te Wiremu, minita o te Hāhi o te Atua, rāua ko Kāpene Pōta (TW 24/8/1878:424). / ...and the Ven. Archdeacon Williams and Captain Porter also attended.

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1. (loan) (personal name) Botha.

E whā ngā matua hōia a Tianara Pōta i whati i a Tianara Pura i tā rāua whawhai (TJ 19/7/1900:4). / Four of General Botha’s companies of soldiers have fled from General Buller in their battle...

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1. (adjective) be few, small, little, have a shortage.

He ngenge nōna, he pota hoki nō ngā kai, he haumāku nō te ngahere, ka kore ia e pai ki te haere ki Taupō ki te whai i a Te Kooti (TTR 1990:31). / Because he was tired and short of food and the bush was wet, he was unwilling to go to Taupō to pursue Te Kooti.

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Synonyms: koroiti, muimui, mahake, pakupaku, nonohi, riki, nohinohi, paku, kauriki, whito, mākari, tātakimōri, iti, poniponi, pinepine, tuaiti, whengowhengo, whetau

2. (noun) fragment, small portion, specimen.

Kia haere mai anō koe ki te tākuta mauria mai he pota mimi (Ng 1993:443). / When you go again to the doctor bring a urine specimen.

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whare pōtae

1. (noun) house of mourning.

Ko te wāhi takoto anō hoki o te tūpāpaku ka kīia ko te whare mate, ko te whare pōtae, ko te whare tauā rānei (RR 1974:21). / And the place where the body lies is called the 'whare mate', the 'whare pōtae', or the 'whare tauā' (house of mourning).

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rohe pōtae

1. (noun) tribal territory, tribal homelands.

Ko Waikaremoana te whaitua o te rohe pōtae o Tūhoe ki te tonga-mā-rāwhiti (Te Ara 2013). / Lake Waikaremoana is the region in the south-east of the Tūhoe territory.

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Pōtae Pango

1. (noun) Black Caps.

Pōta Āta

1. (loan) (location) Port Arthur.

Kei te tukua e Rūhia ōna hōia 1,500 ki Pōta Āta (i Taina) (TJ 12/7/1898:6). / Russia has sent 1,500 soldiers to Port Arthur in China.

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pōtae pūāhuru

1. (noun) balaclava.

Ko ētahi atu i mahi tūao, he whatu pōtae pūāhuru, tōkena, pūāhuru ringa, karapu, te tui hingareti, te tunu keke huarākau, pihikete hoki hei ngare atu ki ngā tāne o te Ope Taua 28 ki rāwāhi (OTM 2017). / Others did voluntary work, knitting balaclavas, socks, mittens, gloves and scarves, sewing singlets, and baking fruit cakes and biscuits to send to the men of the 28th Battalion overseas.

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Synonyms: pōtae uhi

Pōtae, Henare

1. (personal name) (?-1895) Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau-a-Ruataupare; leader.

pōtae kauhoe

1. (noun) swimming cap.

pōtae mārō

1. (noun) helmet, hard hat.

pōtae uhi

1. (noun) balaclava - a tight woolen garment covering the whole head and neck except for parts of the face.

Synonyms: pōtae pūāhuru

Rohe Pōtae, Te

1. (location) King Country.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 118;)

Kei te rongo mātou e hokoa tāhaetia ana te waipiro ki te takiwā o Te Rohe Pōtae (TP 4/1908:7). / We hear that liquor is being sold illegally in the King Country district.

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