1. (verb) (-tia) to play two types of sound.
Nā te mea he roa ake te kakau o te pōrutu i tō te kōauau ka taea te whakarangirua i tōna reo. Kotahi he reo mārū, ā, ki te kaha te pupuhi kua tīorooro tōna reo tuarua (Wh3 2003:168). / Because the stem of the pōrutu is longer than the kōauau it is able to be played with two voices. One is a low voice and if it is blown hard its second voice is high-pitched.
2. (verb) to confuse, baffle, confound.
I tua atu i tōna ātaahua, ko te take o te awe he whakarangirua i te hoariri (Te Ara 2016). / Apart from its beauty, the purpose of the collar of dog's hair and kākā feathers of the taiaha was to confuse the opponent.
Synonyms: whakapōhēhē, whakapōkaikaha, whakahanepī, whakarare, whakatekateka
3. (verb) to be out of time, irregular.
I te tuatahi i whakarangirua ngā kaiwaiata, engari i wawe tonu tō rātau rangirangi (Ng 1993:315). / The singers were out of time at first, but they soon got the beat (Ng 1993:315).