1. (verb) (-tia) to confuse, baffle, perplex, bewilder, bamboozle, confound, puzzle.
He aroha, he pōuri nōku ki tō tāua iwi, ki te Māori e whakapōkaikahatia nei (HKW 1/10/1898:4). / It is because of concern and sadness for our people, the Māori who are being confused.
Synonyms: whakaawangawanga, whakarangirua, whakahanepī, whakarare, whakatekateka, panga, whakapōhēhē, kai
2. (noun) confusion, bewilderment, uncertainty.
Kei te ao tawhito rawa atu ētahi hapū, ētahi iwi; kei te kāhakihakina noatia e ngā whakaakoranga maha, e ngā hāhi huhua, e ngā tohunga tokomaha. Ko te tino hua o ēnei mea katoa ko te whakataumaha, ko te whakapōuri, ko te whakapōkaikaha (TTT 1/9/1925:291). / These subtribes and tribes are still in the ancient world and are being attracted by many doctrines, by a variety of faiths and lots of tohunga. The main outcome of all these things is burdening, depression and confusion.