2. (noun) incantation to begin a speech - the actual tauparapara used are a way that tangata whenua are able to identify a visiting group, as each tribe has tauparapara peculiar to them. Tauparapara are a type of karakia.
Ko wai hoki ka mōhio ki ngā whakamārama me te pūtakenga mai o ngā tauparapara katoa? (HM 4/1998:6). / Who can possibly know the explanations and the origin of all tauparapara?
See also tau, whaikōrero
3. (noun) five-finger, Pseudopanax arboreus - a tree with compound leaves with five to seven 'fingers' and thick, leathery leaves with large teeth. A small, many-branched, round-headed tree with thick, brittle, spreading branches. One of the most common native trees.