1. (noun) cork tree, corkwood, Entelea arborescens - a native tree with large, heart-shaped, toothed, soft leaves, large white flowers and distinctive fruit of large, brown, spine-covered seed capsules. Found in coastal areas of the North Island at the base of cliffs and in sheltered gullies.
Ka utaina ngā peka mākū o te whau me te karamū ki runga i te ahi, ko te koromāhu hei rongoā mō ngā poroiwi kua whati (Te Ara 2012). / Wet branches were thrown on a fire with whau and karamū, to make steam as treatment for broken bones.
2. (noun) five-finger, Pseudopanax arboreus - a tree with compound leaves with five to seven 'fingers' and thick, leathery leaves with large teeth. A small, many-branched, round-headed tree with thick, brittle, spreading branches. One of the most common native trees.
See also whaupaku
Synonyms: whauwhaupaku, whaupaku, tauparapara, houhou, puahou