1. (stative) be finished, fulfilled, completed action - indicates the fulfilment of an action.
Ko ngā tāngata katoa o Hūra i te whenua o Īhipa, ka poto i te hoari, i te hemokai hoki, ā mōtī noa rātou (PT Heremaia 44:27). / All the men of Judah that are in the land of Egypt shall be consumed by the sword and by famine until there be an end of them.
2. (stative) be totally, completely, absolutely, fully - indicates the exhaustive nature of an action.
Ka hui katoa mai, te iti, te rahi, te rangatira, te tūtūā, te koroheke, te rūruhi, te wahine, te tāne, te mea ora, te tūroro, te hake, te hauā, poto anake mai ki te marae o te pā nei kia kite i a Puhihuia (TAH 45/1963:45). / Everybody gathered, the lowly and important people, chiefs and commoners, elderly men and women, men and women, the healthy and the sick, hunchbacks and cripples, absolutely everybody had gathered on the marae of the pā to see Puhihuia.
3. (modifier) short.
Ko ngā patu poto a te hokowhitu nei i hunā ki muri i ngā tuarā, i titia iho ki roto i ngā tātua kōtara (JPS 1910:200). / The one hundred and forty men concealed their short clubs behind their backs, stuck in their war-belts.
Synonyms: kurutētete, kanepoto, takupū, hangahanga, popoto, pore, pōtehe, pōtehetehe
4. (noun) fry, young (of fish).
Ko te koria te ingoa o te poto kahawai. / 'Koria' is the name of kahawai young.