1. (verb) to be short.
I te wā i hopukia ai a Rua i mua ake nei mō te toru marama ki te herehere ka kūtia ōna makawe kia popoto (TKO 15/4/1916:10). / At the time that Rua was previously captured and imprisoned for three months his hair was cut short.
Synonyms: kurutētete, kanepoto, takupū, hangahanga, pore, poto, pōtehe, pōtehetehe
2. (adjective) be short.
He anganga nui tōna, he popoto ngā wae (TKM.MM 16/12/1862:26). / Its has a large head and short legs.
3. (modifier) short.
He iwi tangata popoto tērā, he ngaunga hoki nā te makariri i kore ai e roroa ake (TWMNT 2/7/1873:74). / They are a race of short people and it is because of the biting cold that they are not taller.