2. (verb) to be bare, barren, uninhabited.
Nā, murua ana ngā taonga katoa i toe, tahutahu rawa ngā whare katoa, turakina ana ngā pā kōhatu, whakahoroa katoatia ana ngā whare taua, pākira kau ana taua pā, engia anō kīhai i nohoia tērā wāhi e te tangata (TWT 1/9/1858:13). / Now, all the treasures left were plundered, all the buildings were set alight, the stone fortifications were demolished, the places where the corpses lay were all destroyed and that fort was laid bare, indeed that place was not inhabited by anyone.
3. (modifier) bald, bare.
Me te tangata hoki kua horo ngā huruhuru o te wāhi o tōna mātenga whaka tōna mata, he rae pākira ia; kāhore ōna poke (PT Rewitikuha 13:41). / And he that hath his hair fallen off from the part of his head toward his face, he is forehead bald; yet is he clean.
Synonyms: porohewa, moremore, hohore, hore, horehore, tāmoremore, hewa, tāmore, marake, more, māmore, monemone, māmori, rake, mārakerake
4. (noun) bald head.
Ka rere te ringa o te Māori ki te upoko o te Pākehā, ka mania tonu mai i te kaha rawa o te māeneene. Kātahi nei ka mōhiotia ake he taonga pai tonu tēnei mea te pākira mō ētahi āhuatanga! (TTT 1/10/1926:467). / The Māori's hand shot out at the Pākehā's head, but it just slipped over it because it was so smooth. Now we know that a bald head is sometimes a good thing to have!
Synonyms: hewa