1. (verb) (-kia) to plant root crops.
Ka onokia te kūmara i taua wā anō i ū ai a 'Horouta' ki Waiapu, te ingoa o te māra ko Whakararanui (TWMNT 16/10/1872:137). / The kūmara were planted at the time when the 'Horouta' canoe landed at Waiapu and the name of the garden was Whakararanui.
Synonyms: onoono
2. (modifier) planting.
Nāna tonu i tīmata te kaupapa nei, arā, te mahi ono rākau i ngā whenua Māori e karapoti ana i ngā moana o Taupō me Te Roto-a-Ira (TTR 2000:61). / He himself initiated this matter, that is the work of planting trees on Māori land around Lakes Taupō and Rotoaira.
Synonyms: rumaki, whakatō, whakatōtō, rerenga, marotiritiri, pounga, whakatiputipu, whakatōnga
3. (noun) planting.
Whiro: He rā kino tēnei mō te ono kai, me te hī ika hoki (Wh3 2003:105). / First day of the lunar month: This is a bad day for planting crops and fishing.