1. (modifier) beloved, dearest, darling, precious.
I kī pēnei a ia, koineki te mahi whakamutunga ka mahia e ia i mua i te paunga o ōna rā, arā, he tohu whakamoemiti, ā, he maimai aroha nāna ki tana wahine hokoi, ki te kōkā o āna tamariki (TTR 1996:114). / He described this as the last task that he would do before he died, that is a gesture of praise and affection for his beloved wife and the mother of his children.
Synonyms: tongarerewa, māpuna, tongarewa, marihi, matahīapo, matenui, kahurangi, mōmōhanga, puipuiaki, puiaki, kāmehameha, piripoho