1. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to imprison, arrest, take prisioner - sometimes written as two words, mau herehere.
Ki ētahi kōrero nō muri kē mai a Te Rei-hana-taua i mauherehere ai (M 2007:152). / According to some accounts, it was later that Te Rei-hana-taua was imprisoned.
See also mauhere
2. (modifier) imprisoned, captive, captured.
I tērā wā kua poto tonu te patu o ngā toa o Ngāti Tama, ā, kua hoki mai a Ngāti Tūwharetoa ki ō rātou waka me te hari mai i ngā wāhine mauherehere (NIT 1995:201). / At that time Ngāti Tama's fighters had all been slain and Ngāti Tūwharetoa were returning to their canoes with their captured women.
3. (noun) prisoner, captive, imprisonment, arrest.
Kāore hoki he aha ki a rātou te mauherehere, kāti i ū tonu rātou ki ngā momo porotēhi katoa (Te Ara 2015). / Imprisonment did not concern them, they remained firm to all types of protest.