1. (verb) (-a,-tia) to imprison, arrest.
See also mauhere
2. (modifier) imprisoned, captive.
3. (noun) prisoner, captive.
Kāhore te nuinga o rātou i whakawākia ki te kōti, he tokomaha anō me ngā uri o Ngāti Mutunga i mouhereheretia ki Te Waipounamu. He wāhi kino te wāhi, he karawhiu i ngā tāngata ki ngā mahi mārō, ki ngā mahi whakauaua tangata. Koia i pērā nā ngā kaupēhipēhi ka aituātia a Pitiroi Paekaha tētehi o ngā mouhere nō Ngāti Mutunga i te whareherehere (Ngāti Mutunga Claims Settlement Act 2006). / Most of them were denied a trial and many prisoners, including people of Ngāti Mutunga, were imprisoned in the South Island. Prison conditions were harsh and the men were given hard labour. It was for that treatment of the victims that Pitiroi Paekaha, one of the Ngāti Mutunga prisoners, died while in custody.
Synonyms: mauhere, mauherehere, herehere