1. (verb) to be threatening, lowering, clouding over, menacing (of the sky).
Tōna tikanga kia papā te whatitiri, kia hikohiko te uira, kia pōrukuruku te rangi i tō wehenga atu, engari i rangi paihuarere, i tau ko pakiwaru, ko te paki o Atutahi, te whetū tārake o te rangi (HM 1/1995). / The thunder is supposed to resound, the lightning flash and the sky be clouded over at your departure, but it's a fine day, the fine weather has settled and it's the fine weather of Canopus, the star that stands out in the sky.
Synonyms: tukupū, whētuma, kaioraora, whakahakahaka, kororiko
2. (verb) to be lumpy, full of lumps.
Ka patua kia pōrukuruku, ka taona ki te hāngī (W 1971:295). / It was beaten into lumps and cooked in the hāngī.
Synonyms: hōpūpū, pukupuku, pōkurukuru, pokuru, hīngarungaru
4. (noun) rough structure (e.g. an inferior, hastily erected hut).
Nāku i kī ake he wharau, he pōrukuruku kē te āhua (JPS 1929:50). / I called it a shelter as it was a rough structure in appearance.
5. (noun) rough cover (of bark or thatch) - sometimes put over a corpse deposited in the branches of a tree.
Kua noho te tūpāpaku, kātahi ka porekua te pōrukuruku ki runga ki te tūpāpaku (JPS 1926:25). / When the corpse had been placed a rough cover of bark was placed on top of the body.