1. (loan) (noun) box.
Ā pau noa ngā rā tekau mā tahi me ngā pō hoki e tinei ana i te ahi, kore rawa e taea, i tēnei takiwā kua tata tonu te ahi ki te wāhi e takoto ana ngā pāka paura (HTK 8/7/1893:7). / And for eleven days and nights we were fighting to extinguish the fire without success and at this time the fire was quite close to the place where the boxes of gunpowder were lying.
2. (loan) (noun) dock (court).
...engari i tū anō a te Kahu ki roto i te pāka i te kōti, ka pangaia ana te kēhi ki waho... (TJ 12/10/1899:8). / ...but Te Kahu did stand in the dock in court and the case was thrown out...
3. (loan) (noun) pack, packet, container.
…e waru poro tupeka ki te mea kotahi me ētahi pāka hikareti me ētahi pukapuka hei kōrero (TP 9/1902:2-3). / …eight blocks of tobacco for each person, some packs of cigarettes, and some books to read.
Synonyms: kawenga, pīkau, pōrukuruku, pēke, whakawhāiti, tatai, mōkī, pākete, pūhera