1. (stative) be short of, lack.
I kōpaka i a au te wā hai whakaoti tika i te mahi (Ng 1993:248). / I lacked the time to complete the job properly.
Synonyms: korenga, ngōuruuru, kāhoretanga
2. (stative) be muscular, well developed.
Ahakoa te potopoto o te tū, he tangata pakari, he kōpaka rā hoki (TTR 1990:296). / Although he was short in stature he was a strong and muscular.
3. (modifier) dry.
Tēnā haria mai he tītāora kōpaka - kāore he take o ēnā nā, kua mākū katoa (PK 2008:306). / Give me a dry tea towel, please - those are useless, they're all wet.
4. (noun) ice, frost, hail, glacier.
E hia hoki tōna roa e kaiwaha ana kātahi anō ia ka tīmata ki te ārahi tāngata ki ngā tihi maunga i te ūpoko o te awa kōpaka (TTR 1998:46). / And for a long time he was a porter before he started guiding clients onto peaks at the head of the glacier.
5. (noun) shortage, deficiency, lack.
Kāore he kōpaka o te tiere i tēnei tau. / There's no shortage of cherries this year.