1. (verb) (-tia) to mix.
Synonyms: konanu, kōnatunatu, ranu, whakauruuru, miki, kōnanunanu, kōrorirori, whakaranu, kōmitimiti, whakananu, tāranu, konatu, pāhekoheko, whakahanumi, whāranu, natu
2. (noun) mixing, mixture.
Me ahu ake tēnei wāhi ki ngā kai a te Māori, āna kai he tino motuhake rawa i ā te Pākehā āna kai, kāore he whakawhēranu ki roto i ētahi kai atu (TPH 12/8/1905:2). / This part focuses on the foods of the Māori, whose foods were very different from those of the Pākehā, there was no mixing of food.
Synonyms: hanumi, whakauruuru, whakaranu, miki, pokepoke, ranu, ranunga