2. (verb) (-a) to run together, mix, mixed up, incorporate, integrate, combine, merge.
E titiro ana au ki te Pākehā rāua ko te Māori i konei e whakauruuru tonu ana, ā, kāore au e mōhio ana ki te tīmatanga o tētahi, ki te mutunga o tētahi (TWMNT 12/11/1873:152). / I see here Pākehā and Māori quite mixed and I do not know where one begins and the other ends.
Synonyms: whenumi, kōmitimiti, komiti, natu, konanu, kōnatunatu, ranu, whakananu, kōnanunanu, kōrorirori, whakaranu, miki, tāranu, konatu, whakahanumi, pāhekoheko, whakawhēranu, whāranu
3. (modifier) mixed, intermingled, blended, combined, cosmopolitan, integrated, mingled.
Ahakoa Ingarihi, Wīwī rānei, Hainamana rānei, Kōtarani rānei, me ērā atu iwi, e noho tahi mai ana i ērā wāhi i haerea nei e au, ā, kāore au i kite i tētahi raruraru o aua iwi whakauruuru e noho mai nei (TWMNT 11/8/1874:204). / Whether they be English, French, Chinese, Scots, or of any other nationality, they live in those places that I visited as one people, and, although they are so mixed together, I did not observe any trouble among them.
Synonyms: nanu, hanumi, pāhekoheko
4. (noun) mixing, mingling, fraternisation.
Kua kore he raruraru i te whakauruuru o ngā kūao ki roto i ngā hipi pakeke (TP 8/1911:5). / There's no longer any problem with the young animals mixing in with the adult sheep.
Synonyms: whakawhēranu, hanumi, whakaranu