1. (verb) (-tia) to sneer, speak contemptuously, deride, mock, ridicule.
Synonyms: taunu, whakatoi, tītoi, pāengaenga, tāwai, whakareko, whakarōriki, aniani, whakaiti, whakamanumanu, whakahahani, whakaparahako
2. (verb) to be proud.
Whakahīhī ana tā mātau whakatangi haere i ā mātau pūtōrino (HP 1991:33). / We proudly played our flutes as we marched along.
Synonyms: karatete, whakahī, poho kererū, kia ara te ua
3. (verb) to be vain, conceited, arrogant, smug.
Ko āna tohutohu ko te ngākau whakaiti, ā, kia kaua e whakahīhī, e whakamanamana (EM 2002:9). / Her advice was to be humble and not to be conceited or boastful.
4. (modifier) vain, conceited, arrogant, smug.
Kāti te whakanui i te kōrero whakahīhī (TWMNT 23/4/1873:46). / Stop praising arrogant talk.
5. (noun) pride, vanity, conceit, arrogance.
Koia nā te mate o ētahi meiha Pākehā ki tōku titiro. He whakahīhī, kāore e hiahia ki te whakapāpaku i a rātau, ahakoa kei te mōhio tonu iho kei te hē rātau (HP 1991:204). / In my opinion, that was the trouble with some Pākehā majors. It was their arrogance and they would not want to humble themselves, even if they knew they were wrong.
1. (verb) (-tia) to make a hissing noise.
Synonyms: hihī
2. (verb) (-tia) to whistle - with a bent finger as done in hunting kiwi.
Ka whakahihītia te kiwi e te tangata (W 1971:47). / The man whistled for the kiwi.