



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-a) to split, divide, split into strips.

He ika ka ripiripia, he ika ka toetoea, he ika ka hāparangitia (JPS 1903:35). / A victim who is cut open, a victim who is torn into shreds, a victim who is disembowelled.

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2. (noun) thatch of rushes, roof shingles.

Ko ngā toetoe o te tuanui he pereki papa (TP 6/1903:2). / The shingles of the roof are of brick tiles.

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3. (noun) toetoe, Cortaderia spp. - native plants with long, grassy leaves with a fine edge and saw-like teeth. Flowers are white, feathery, arching plumes. Grow on sand dunes, on rocks and cliff faces, along streams and swamp edges. The stems were used for tukutuku panels.

He toetoe anō te toetoe, he raupō ano te raupō, he kākaho ano te kākaho, otiia mā te ringa tangata e raweke aua mea ka kīia ai he whare (TW 13/1/1877:13). / Toetoe is just toetoe, raupō is just raupō, and toetoe stems are just toetoe stems, but by human hands manipulating those things a house is created.

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4. (noun) fernbird, Bowdleria punctata - a warm brown bird heavily streaked and spotted dark brown with a long frayed tail. Secretive and lives in freshwater and tidal wetlands.

See also mātātā

toetoe ngaungau

1. (noun) cutty grass, Gahnia lacera - a sedge found from North Cape to Whanganui. Grows 60 cm-1.5 m tall with wide yellowish green leaves that have a sharp cutting edge. Short flowering stems are stiff, and the panicles are followed by shiny black fruit.

toetoe tūhara

1. (noun) pēpepe, Machaerina sinclairii - a sedge found throughout most of the North Island, often on damp cliffs and road banks. It has long, slightly drooping bright green iris-like leaves. The flowering stems are rigid with drooping, fine, rusty red flowers.

See also tūhara

Synonyms: tūhara, pēpepe

toetoe tarangārara

1. (noun) cutty grass, Gahnia lacera - a sedge found from North Cape to Whanganui. Grows 60 cm-1.5 m tall with wide yellowish green leaves that have a sharp cutting edge. Short flowering stems are stiff, and the panicles are followed by shiny black fruit.

See also toetoe ngaungau

toetoe upokotangata

1. (noun) giant umbrella sedge, Cyperus ustulatus - a native plant with grass-like, broad, folded, hard, glossy leaves spreading from the top of the tall, unjointed, triangular stem. Has shiny, dark brown seed heads and is found along wet, sandy edges of tidal streams and rivers.

toetoe kiwi

1. (noun) cutty grass, Gahnia lacera - a sedge found from North Cape to Whanganui. Grows 60 cm-1.5 m tall with wide yellowish green leaves that have a sharp cutting edge. Short flowering stems are stiff, and the panicles are followed by shiny black fruit.


1. (verb) (-hia) to cover the roof of a house with raupō preparatory to thatching with toetoe.


1. (noun) culm, stem of toetoe - used for lining the walls of buildings and for making kites.

Ki te kotahi te kākaho ka whati, ki te kāpuia, e kore e whati. (Nā Kīngi Tāwhiao tēnei tongi). / If there is but one toetoe stem it will break, but if they are together in a bundle they will never break. (This saying is by King Tāwhiao).

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1. (noun) way, path, lane, passageway, track, course, route.

Ko te ara mō taua rori kei a mātou ko tōku iwi e mōhio ana, he ara tika tonu poka tata tonu i te whenua mānia (TWMNT 22/5/1877:132). / I and my tribe know the route for that road and it goes straight through flat land.

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Synonyms: huanui, huarahi

2. (noun) line of weaving, layer of toetoe thatch on a roof, etc.


1. (noun) small bag lined with toetoe for straining the juice of tutu berries.

Kia mutu te whakawiri mai i te wai o te tutu ki te kōheke, kua tātarihia ki te pututu (PK 2008:277). / When we've finished wringing out the juice of the tutu with the kōheke bag, it's strained with the pututu bag.

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1. (verb) to have one aspect, be united, single, sound, upright, principled.

Kia tapatahi tōku ngākau ki āu tikanga; kei whakamā ahau (PT Nga Waiata 119:80). / Let my heart be sound in thy statutes; that I be not ashamed.

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2. (modifier) folded once, having one aspect, united, single.

Pū ngātahi ai te ngākau tapatahi me te pukumahi i te wahine nei, i riwhariwha nei te whatumanawa i te matenga o te maha o tōna whānau (TTR 2000:30). / This woman combined integrity with hard work, despite a heart scarred by the deaths of many of her family.

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Synonyms: tōtahi, takakau, tahi, kotahi, kōtahitahi, takitahi

3. (noun) uprightness, honesty, righteousness, vitue.

He pai ki te rawakore e haere ana i runga i tōna tapatahi, i te tangata he parori kē ōna ara, ahakoa he whai taonga ia (PT Nga Whakatauki 28:6). / Better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness, than he that is perverse in his ways, though he be rich.

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Synonyms: ngākaupai, tika

4. (noun) small fish basket  - made of toetoe leaves for holding fish.

E rua tapatahi inanga, ka hoatu ēnā ki te aroaro o Kahu rātou ko ōna hoa tohunga (W 1971:383). / There were two baskets of whitebait, and those were placed in front of Kahu and his fiends.

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1. (noun) hunangāmoho, plumed tussock grass, snow grass, Chionochloa conspicua - a large tussock grass over 1 m tall with broad green leaves looking rather like toetoe. The flowers are carried on slightly arching stems. Its name implies that takahē hid amongst it.

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