



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) to be a second order of learners being initiated in esoteric lore.

He pia i te tīmatanga, kia mātau haere kua tāura (PK 2008:630). / He's a novice at the start but when he becomes more learned he's a tāura.

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2. (noun) second order of learners being initiated in esoteric lore, assistant lecturer.

Ka piki ake i te pia ki te tāura (PK 2008:894). / It climbs up from a novice student to a more learned one.

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3. (noun) trainee, student, initiate.

He mea āta tātaku e te tāura te karakia, koi tapepe (HJ 2015:224). / The ritual chant was recited carefully by the initiate, lest he make a slip-up.

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1. (noun) rope, cable, cord, hawser.

Kātahi ka kowheta te hiku, ka rongo hoki i te mamae o ngā taura kua nonoti tonu rā i waenganui o te puku (TWM 15/7/1865:3). / Then its tail thrashed about as it felt the pain of the ropes tightening around its stomach.

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Synonyms: waea, waea kōrero, rino, kārure, whakaheke, taukaea, kaha, rāhiri, pūrengi, tāwai


1. (noun) postgraduate student.

taura ngaiaku

1. (noun) nylon rope.

taura rere

1. (noun) flying fox.

taura katete

1. (noun) extension cord.

taura tīeke

1. (noun) measuring tape.

taura here

1. (noun) binding ropes, urban kinship group, domestic migrants, kinship link - a term sometimes used for tribal members in the city who join taura here groups to help to retain their identity and links back to their tribal homelands. These link back to iwi organisations and often taura here representatives have a place on iwi boards. For example, Te Runanga nui o Ngāti Kahungunu ki te Upoko o Te Ika is the Wellington taura here group for Ngāti Kahungunu. There are two taura here groups in Auckland for Ngā Puhi – Te Taura Here ki Manurewa (South Auckland) and Te Taura Here o Ngāpuhi ki Waitākere (North and West Auckland).

Nō te tau 1925 i whakatūria a ia hai kaikaunihera whakahaere mō te Kotahitanga o ngā Tāngata Mahi o Niu Tīreni mō te rohe o Tūranga, ka noho nei ia hai tino taura here mō te uniana nei me ngā Māori o te taiwhanga o Tūranganui-a-Kiwa (TTR 2000:121). / In 1925 he was appointed as the New Zealand Workers’ Union’s executive councillor for the Gisborne district, and he became a key link between the union and Māori of Poverty Bay.

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2. (noun) leash.

taura ine

1. (noun) measuring tape.

taura hiko

1. (noun) electrical cord, power cord, power line, charger cord.

Ka noho pōwhiwhiwhiwhi katoa ngā taura hiko i muri i te pouaka whakaata (PK 2008:686). / The electric cords behind the television were all tangled up.

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Synonyms: waea hiko


1. (location) Parnell Point, Judges Bay (Auckland).

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 107;)

Taura Here Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa

1. (personal noun) National Qualifications Framework.

Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori, Te

1. Māori Language Commission.

I haere tonu i te wā ko Haami Piripi te kaiwhakahaere matua o Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori (HM 4/2008:1). / They continued during the time that Haami Piripi was the CEO of the Māori Language Commission.

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He hono tangata e kore e motu, kāpā he taura waka e motu.

1. Blood is thicker than water.

The geneaological connections of people cannot be severed, on the other hand the canoe rope will be severed. /

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Kāretu, Tā Tīmoti Samuel

1. (personal name) KNZM, QSO (1937) Tūhoe, Ngāti Kahungunu; teacher and scholar of Māori language and performing arts. Established the Department of Māori at The University of Waikato as Head of Department and then Professor before becoming the inaugural Māori Language Commissioner at Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori (1987-1999). Awarded Honorary Doctorates from Victoria University of Wellington in 2003 and The University of Waikato in 2008. He has been Executive Director of Te Panekiretanga o Te Reo, the Institute of Excellence in Māori Language, since 2003 and is also Chairperson for Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust. Awarded his knightood in 2017.

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 54-55;)

Waka o Tamarēreti, Te

1. (location) Tamarēreti's Canoe - a constellation in the shape of a huge canoe. Tautoru (Orion's Belt) forms the stern while Tail of the Scorpion is the prow. Māhutonga (The Southern Cross) is the anchor and The Pointers are Te Taura o te Waka o Tamarēreti (the anchor line). The canoe is known as Uruao.

See also Uruao

Simpson, Mīria

1. (1922-2002) Ngāti Awa; teacher and expert speaker and writer of Māori. Editor of numerous publications, including Ngā Tāngata Taumata Rau (Volume 1) and the Māori section of the Historical Atlas of New Zealand. One of the first commissioners of Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori. Awarded a QSM in 1991.

Milroy, James Wharehuia

1. (personal name) QSO, CNZM (1937-) Tūhoe; leader, orator, expert in Māori language and customs. Former Professor of Māori at The University of Waikato, where he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in 2005. Formerly a commissioner for Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori. Member of the New Zealand Geographic Board, Tautoko Māori Trust, Mahi Trust and teacher for Te Panekiritanga o te Reo. He was made a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit (CNZM) in 2012 for services to the Māori language.

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 37;)

Mātāwai, Te

1. (personal noun) Māori/Iwi Electoral College - the Māori Language Strategy proposed in 2014 to establish a purpose built iwi entity that will assume responsibility for Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori and Te Māngai Pāho, and will assume the roles and responsibilities of Te Pūtahi Pāho with regard to the Māori Television Service. There will be a greater focus on Crown Māori/iwi relationships in this sector, and more emphasis on whānau, hapū and iwi language planning and development.

Te tikanga mā Te Mātāwai e riro anō ai te mana whakahaere kaupapa reo i te iwi Māori. / It would seem that through Te Mātāwai the Māori people will again take over the authority of managing language matters.

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