



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) to be green (in colour).

I te ngutu o te awa o Hamurana ka tau tō mātou tima, ka haere mā uta, ka mātakitaki ki te āhua o tēnā awa, purata tonu, kākāriki ana (TP 1/12/1901:10). / At the mouth of the Hamurana stream our steamer docked and we went inland, gazing at the appearance of that stream, which was quite clear and green.

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2. (adjective) be green (in colour).

He kākāriki tō tētahi, he kākāriki-mā tō tētahi (HP 1991:249). / That of one was green, that of another was pale green.

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3. (noun) yellow-crowned parakeet, Cyanoramphus auriceps, red-crowned parakeet, Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae - small green parrots with long tails.

(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 13, 163;)

I nāianei kua kore te manu, kua mate, kua ngaro te kākā me te kākāriki (TWMNT 22/9/1874:239). / Now the birds are no more, they've died and the kākā and kākāriki have disappeared.

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Synonyms: kākā, tōreterete, pōwhaitere, pōreterete, kākāwaiariki, kākāwariki, kawariki, porete, torete

4. (noun) green tree gecko and jewelled gecko, Naultinus spp. - green geckos of various species found in low, dense shrubbery.

Synonyms: kawariki

5. (noun) green (colour).

He harakeke iraira, he mumura te kākāriki o ngā whā, he kōwhai ngā tāekaeka, he karaka ngā tapa me te tuaka, he mā, he mōhinuhinu te muka o tēnei harakeke (PK 2008:603). / A variegated flax, with bright green leaves, yellow stripes, orange edges and midrib, while the fiber of this flax is white and shiny.

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6. (noun) rock melon, cantaloupe.

He pēnā anō ngā tōhuka, ngā kānga, ngā pāpapa, ngā merengi, ngā kākāriki, ngā taro me ngā rīwai (HP 1991:14). / The sugar cane, maize, kamokamo, melons, rock melons, taro and potatoes were exactly the same.

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Synonyms: merengi rāka


1. (adjective) bright glossy green.

Kākāriki tunua, kākāriki otaina

1. Either either it makes no difference.

Cooked parrot, raw parrot. /

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Rua kākāriki

1. A noisey bunch of people compared to a gathering of kākā.

Inā te hoihoi o te hui ānō nei he rua kākāriki / the gathering was so noisey like a gathering of parrots.

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moko kākāriki

1. (noun) green tree gecko and jewelled gecko, Naultinus spp. - green geckos of various species found in low, dense shrubbery.

Ko te moko kākāriki me te moko tāpiri ka whakanōhia kia tata ki te kōhatu mauri hei tiaki i taua kōhatu mō ake tonu atu (Te Ara 2011). / The green gecko and common gecko were released near mauri stones as guardians forever.

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See also kākāriki

Rōpū Kākāriki

1. (noun) Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand - a political party that gained seats in Parliament in 1999.

ngutu kākāriki

1. (noun) Prince of Wales Feathers, crape fern, Leptopteris superba - native tufted ground fern, often with a short woody trunk. Fronds tapered equally at both ends, very finely divided. Fluffy to touch. Grows best in cool, wet forest. Frond tapers at both ends.


1. (noun) rope of four strands - also as tarikākāriki.

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