2. (noun) Stilbocarpa polaris - and endemic species.
3. (noun) gully fern, Cyathea cunninghamii - a tall, graceful tree fern similar to mamaku but with a more slender trunk, much more slender stalks and fronds. The trunk lacks the hexagonal scar pattern of mamaku and does not have the skirt of dead stalks of 'kātote'.
4. (noun) Prince of Wales Feathers, crape fern, Leptopteris superba - native tufted ground fern, often with a short woody trunk. Fronds tapered equally at both ends, very finely divided. Fluffy to touch. Grows best in cool, wet forest. Frond tapers at both ends.
See also heruheru
Synonyms: maikukuroa, ngutu kākāriki, pūniu, tētē kura, tētēkura, ngutungutu kiwi, tētē, heruheru
5. (noun) whekī-ponga, Dicksonia fibrosa - native tree fern with very thick, soft, fibrous, rusty-brown trunk and a heavy skirt of dead, pale-brown fronds. Many narrow fronds on very short stalks, harsh to touch.
See also whekī ponga