1. (verb) to have a bowel motion, shit, defecate.
He rango tētahi mea maumau haere i ngā ngārara o te mate nei. Ki te tiko koraha tētahi tangata kua tīmata te pāngia e te mate nei, ka tau te rango ki runga i tōna paru. Ka piri ki runga i taua rango ngā purapura o te mate nei. Ka rere te rango nei, ka tau ki runga ki ngā kai a te tangata. Ka whakarērea ngā purapura ki runga i aua kai (TRA 1/3/1929:946). / A blowfly is one thing that carries the bacteria of this disease. If a person who has begun to be affected by this disease defecates out in the open, and a blowfly lands on his faeces, the seeds of this disease will adhere to that blowfly. This blowfly will fly off and settle on a person's food and the infection will be left on that food.
2. (noun) faeces, shit, droppings, dung, excrement, stools, defecation.
I ngā kāinga o mua, he wāhi motuhake tonu mō te tiko (Ng 1993:85). / In the settlements of earlier times, there were special places for defecation.
2. (verb) to stand out, protrude, be noticeable, conspicuous.
Ka tahuna aua mea ki te ahi ko ētahi ka kōkiri ake ki te rangi whakawhetū ai, me te rērere ngā kora, ānō he huka e tiko iho ana i te rangi (TWMNT 17/11/1874:290). / When those things were lit some shot up into the sky to sparkle like sparks flying about, and as if it was snow prominent in the sky.
Synonyms: pīrata, koure, whātero, whāterotero, whererei, kōture, kounu