1. (interjection) heck, look - an expression of surprise or amazement.
Ka puta mai hoki tōku tupuna, a Tama-nui-ki-te-Rangi, ka kitea ki te ngaro, ki ngā manu, e karamui ana i runga i ngā tāwhaowhao, ka rere mai taua tupuna nei, ka heua ake; ara, he tangata! (NM 1928:7). / And my ancestor, Tama-nui-ki-te-Rangi, appeared and when he saw the blowflies and birds swarming over the driftwood, he rushed over and pulled me up; look what it was, a human!
Synonyms: kaikanohi
2. (noun) line of weaving, layer of toetoe thatch on a roof, etc.
1. namely, in other words, that is - a conjunction used to introduce an amplification or explanation.
Ka puta mai ngā mokopuna, noho tonu ana ko Huiatahi rāua ko Huihana hei kokoro, hei kuikui rānei, arā hei kaumātua mō te whaitua o Waitomo (TTR 1998:8). / When the grandchildren were born, Huiatahi and Huihana were recognised as the patriarch and matriarch, that is as elders of Waitomo.
See also araka
Synonyms: araka
arā atu
1. (particle) and other, there were/are other.
Arā atu anō ngā rangatōpū ā-rohe i pōtitia atu ia ki runga: ko te poari hōhipera o Te Wairoa, ko te poari hiko me te poari wahapū (TTR 1998:12). / There were other local bodies that he was also elected to: the Wairoa Hospital Board, the Electric-power Board and the Harbour Board.
ara iahiko
1. (noun) electrical circuit.
Ko te ara iahiko te ara amio e rere ai ngā irahiko, mai i tētahi puna hiko ki tētahi pūrere hiko, ā, ka hoki anō ai ki te puna hiko (RP 2009:168). / An electrical circuit is a pathway which carries electrons from a source of electrical energy to electrical devices and back to the source.