



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-tia) to treat, apply medicines.

Nō te taenga ki taua moutere ka atawhaitia e ngā mihinare, ka rongoātia, ka whāngaia ki ngā kai papai, ā kāhore i roa kua ora (TWMNT 18/6/1823:66). / When they arrived at that island they were looked after by the missionaries, treated and fed with healthy food, and it wasn't long before they were well.

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2. (verb) (-tia) to preserve.

I rongoatia tōna tinana e ōna tāngata; i panipania katoatia ki te tote, muri iho tekau mā rua ngā rangi e whakamaroketia ana ki te rā (TWMNT 16/6/1874:148). / His followers preserved his body, smearing it all with salt, and then it was dried in the sun for twelve days.

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Synonyms: whakauka, whakatote, rokiroki, tohu, tohutohu, rarawe, whakapounamu

3. (noun) remedy, medicine, drug, cure, medication, treatment, solution (to a problem), tonic.

(Te Māhuri Video Tapes (Ed. 1): 2;)

I whakaatu anō ia i te āhua o te taipō pīwa, te pūtake mai me te rongoā (TP 5/1901:11). / He gave instruction on the nature of typhoid fever, the origin and the cure.

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Synonyms: whakaora


1. (noun) medicinal plant.

toa rongoā

1. (noun) chemist.

mātai rongoā

1. (noun) medical science.

rongoā āraimate

1. (noun) vaccine, vaccination.

Te awhikiri horihori: Ko te awhikiri ka hua mai i tētahi mahi, pērā i te tuku rongoā āraimate (RP 2015:181). / Artificial immunity: The immunity that results from an occupation, such as administering vaccinations.

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rongoā paturopi

1. (noun) antibiotic.

Ko te tohutohu a te rata, kia whāngaihia taku tamāhine ki te rongoā paturopi mō te tekau rā. / The instruction of the doctor was that my daughter should be given the antibiotic for ten days.

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whakaipurangi rongoā

1. (noun) (dispensary) pharmacy.

rongoā whakamakariri

1. (noun) turpentine.

whakahau rongoā

1. (noun) medical prescription.

whare rongoā

1. (noun) pharmacy, chemist shop.

Tokorua ngā tamariki o Te Aute kei roto i tētahi whare rongoā i Whanganui e ako ana (HKW 1/2/1899:4). / There are two students of Te Aute who are training in a pharmacy in Whanganui.

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Synonyms: kēmehi, kēmihi

rongoā māori

1. (noun) natural remedy, traditional treatment, Māori medicine.

Ka tae ki ēnei rā, kei te kaha te tautoko i ngā mahi Māori – tae atu ki te rongoā. Ka tahuri ētahi ki ngā rongoā Māori hei whakaora i ngā taumahatanga (Te Ara 2013). / Today Māori culture is strongly supported – including medicine. Some people have turned to these traditional treatments to heal serious illnesses.

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rongoā whakamoe

1. (noun) anaesthetic.

Tērā he makimaki kei ngā whare huihuinga kīrehe i Ingarangi, i āhua tangitangi, te take, he mamae nōna, i te niho tunga. Tirotirohia ana e tētahi tohunga unu niho, kātahi ka whakaarohia kia whakamoea taua makimaki ki ngā rongoā whai mana ki te whakatūpāpaku i te kurī, tangata hoki. Te ingoa o taua rongoā whakamoe, whakatupapaku, whakamate rawa - he kororohama (KO 15/6/1882:3). / There was a monkey at the zoo in England that was crying a little, the reason being it had toothache. It was looked at by a dentist who then decided that the monkey should be put to sleep with medicine that had the power to make an animal or person unconscious. The name of that anaesthetic is chloroform.

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tīpae rongoā

1. (noun) medicine cabinet.

Me kaua rawa e tuku i te nohinohi rā kia whāwhā i ngā pire kei roto i te tīpae rongoā. / Don't ever let that toddler touch any of the medicine in the medicine cabinet.

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tīpae rongoā

1. (noun) medicine cabinet.

Me kaua rawa e tuku i te nohinohi rā kia whāwhā i ngā pire kei roto i te tīpae rongoā. Don't ever let that toddler touch any of the medicine in the medicine cabinet. /

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rongoā iraruke

1. (noun) radiology.

rongoā paturopi

1. (noun) penicillin.

tīpae rongoā

1. (noun) medicine cabinet.

rongoā patu pūrerehua

1. (noun) mothball.

mātai taka rongoā

1. (noun) pharmacology.

rongoā patu mamae

1. (noun) analgesic.

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