1. (modifier) steeped in water, fermented in water (of potatoes).
Otirā, tērā anō tērā pūtake mate, tōna taunga kei a katoa, kei ngā tāne, kei ngā wāhine, kei ngā tamariki, koia hoki ko te kai i te kānga pirau, i te rīwai pirau, arā, i te kānga kōpūwai, i te rīwai kōtero (MM.TKM 15/9/1859:1). / But there is another cause of sickness which affects all, men, women, and children and that is eating rotten corn and of rotten potatoes, or corn and potatoes that have been steeped in water.
2. (noun) fermented potatoes, potatoes steeped in water.
Tērā atu anō ētahi kai a te Māori, te kōuka, te pikopiko, te tuna, te kōtero, te taro - kāore aku kupu mō ēnei - engari me whakahua ake pea e au te kānga wai, te kānga kōpiro (TKO 30/6/1919:7). / There are other foods of the Māori, cabbage tree shoots, fern shoots, eel, fermented potatoes and taro - I have nothing to say about these - but perhaps I should mention corn steeped in water, fermented maize.
1. (noun) a Māori potato cultivar, Solanum tuberosum - a white-skinned potato suitable for all cooking methods, which looks like a seagull's egg.
Synonyms: karuparera
1. (noun) king fern, horseshoe fern, Marattia salicin - huge, tufted native ground fern with unusually large, heavy, dark, glossy fronds, divided into long, strap-like leaflets. Stalks clasping at base, with large ear-like lobes. The underground stems were an important food.
See also para
Synonyms: para, paratawhiti, uwhi para
2. (noun) potato (Eastern dialect), Solanum tuberosum - a general term for potato but also refers to a specific oval-shaped cultivar with pink-and-yellow mottled skin and white floury flesh.
Ka riro taua whare hei kītini mahinga kai, muri iho ka noho hei pākoro parareka, paukena hoki (TP 10/1905:10). / That building was used as a kitchen to prepare food, and later it became a storehouse for potatoes and pumpkins.
See also taewa
1. (noun) a Māori potato cultivar, Solanum tuberosum - has elongated tubers with purple skin and flesh, hence the name. Best for baking and roasting.
Synonyms: karuparera
1. (noun) eye.
Te āhua o te ika nei i rite ki te whai, kei Wairarapa ki Porirua ki Muaupoko, kei Taranaki ki Hikurangi ko ngā paihau, kei Karamaina ko te waero, kei Ngāti Whātua heke atu ki te hiku, kei Taupō ko te pūkonohi, kei Heretaunga nei ko Te Matau-a-Māui (TTT 1/1/1925:158). / The form of this fish is like a stingray, at Wairarapa to Porirua is Muaupoko, at Taranaki to Hikurangi are the fins, at Coromandel is the tail and Ngāti Whātua descends down to the tail, at Taupō is the eye and at Heretaunga is Te Matau-a-Māui (Māui's fish-hook).
2. (noun) bud, eye (of a potato).
He parareka kainga nā te ngārara tuia, me ringiringi ki te wai, me kore tētahi pūkonohi e ora hei putanga ake mō tētahi matatipu (W 1971:307). / Potato eaten by grubs should be placed in water in case an eye might survive for a shoot to emerge.
1. (loan) (modifier) like potatoes.
I rongo au ko tēnei kai, ko te huahua, mā te waha rangatira anake e kai. I tēnei hui e kainga taewatia ana, ā rukea ake mā te kurī e kai (TJ 12/4/1898:6). / I heard that this food, preserved birds, was only for chiefly mouths to eat. At this meeting they were eaten like potatoes and even thrown out for dogs to eat.
2. (loan) (noun) potato, Solanum tuberosum.
I tērā tau kore rawa he taewa o Aotea i mate (TP 11/1905:8). / Last year not one potato plant died on Great Barrier Island.
See also pārete
1. (noun) storing place (for potatoes, etc.), small fenced enclosure, pigsty.
Ka riro taua whare hei kītini mahinga kai, muri iho ka noho hei pākoro parareka, paukena hoki (TP 10/1905:10). / That building was used as a kitchen to prepare food, and later it became a storehouse for potatoes and pumpkins.
Synonyms: pākorokoro, pahiko poaka
1. (noun) rainbow, halo, ring around heavenly bodies.
Ānō he āniwaniwa ēnei kupu, ina kitea, e mōhio ana tātou tērā te ua e whitingia ana e te rā (KO 15/9/1885:3). / It's as if these words are a rainbow in that when it's seen we know that the rain is being shone on by the sun.
Synonyms: kahukura, Uenuku, Tūāwhiorangi, kōpere, Ōuenuku, tāwhana, tāwhanawhana, āheahea, atuapiko
2. (noun) deep water.
Tutū ana te āniwaniwa o te awa, o Whanganui (W 1971:10). / The deep water of the Whanganui river is stirred up.
3. (noun) Māori potato cultivar.
2. (noun) war dance - leaping haka performed with long weapons to intimidate the enemy. The men leap off the ground left to right in unison.
(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 65-67;)
Ina rūpeke mai ngā waka waihoe ka tū te peruperu a te waka tuatahi ki te tauranga (JPS 1928:177). / When the competing vessels had assembled, the crew of the first canoe to reach the anchorage performed a war dance.
4. (noun) white throat feathers (of the tūī).
1. (loan) (noun) a Māori potato cultivar, Solanum tuberosum - has elongated tubers with purple skin and flesh, hence the name. Best for baking and roasting.
See also tūtaekurī
1. (loan) (noun) a Māori potato cultivar, Solanum tuberosum - a waxy potato with purple skin and very clearly defined bright yellow patches around the eyes. Best for boiling and microwaving.
See also karuparera
2. (noun) green potato - potato spoiled by exposure to the sun.
He kamorā kē tēnā rīwai. Kāhore e pai ana hei kōtero (TWK 42:16). / That is a green potato. It's not suitable for steeped potatoes.