1. (stative) be mischievous, insubordinate, troublesome.
He tauira mā tātau ko ā tātau tamariki, kotahi te pāpā, kotahi te kōkā, he rerekē te tama, he rerekē te tamāhine, he rerekē te tuatoru, me te tuawhā, me ngā ritenga hoki, he ahuwhenua tētahi, he māngere tētahi, he hūmārie tētahi, he haututū tētahi (TPH 15/8/1903:4). / Our children are an example for us and although there is one father and one mother the son, the daughter, the third and fourth are all different, one is industrious, another is lazy, another is handsome and another is mischievous.
Synonyms: raweke, whakatoi, hanariki, hīanga, porohīanga, tutū
2. (noun) misbehaviour, mischief, naughtiness.
Ka pai anō pea ki te whakarērea ngā tamariki kaha te whakakuene, te tangiweto, te haututū rānei ki te kāinga (HM 4/1994:6). / Perhaps it would be best to leave children that are demanding, cry a lot or are misbehaved at home.