1. (verb) (-tia) to make someone run, make something run.
Ko ngā mea o mātau e wātea ana i ngā ahiahi, ka haere atu ki te whakaomaoma i ngā wāhine i a rātau e akoako haki ana, kia pakari ai ō rātau tinana me ō mātau anō hoki (HP 1991:244). / Those of us who were free in the evenings went to run with the women while they were practicing hockey in order to improve their and our fitness.
2. (modifier) racing.
Koinei te wāhi kohi mātaitai o te iwi o reira i te wā e pari ake ana te tai, ā, i te wā e timu ana te tai he wāhi whakaomaoma hōiho kē tēnei nō rātou (TTR 2000:38). / This was the place the tribe used to gather seafood when the tide was in and when the tide was out it was a place for them for racing horses.
3. (noun) racing.
He whakaomaoma hōiho rēhi rāua tahi ko tana matua i te rohe o Ākarana (TTR 1996:9). / With his father he raced horses in the Auckland district.