1. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to cause to rise up, lift, uphold.
Ko ngā kōtiro kia whakaakona nuitia, kia mārena paitia ki ō rātou hoa Māori i pai ai, kia tupu ai te tamariki hei whakamaranga i te ingoa o te tangata Māori (MM.TKM 3/8/1860:25). / The girls may be well educated and allowed to marry Māori husbands that they like; so that a generation will grow up to uphold the Māori name.
Synonyms: tārewa, tiraki, whakarewa, tīhei, whakaikeike, ararewa, hāpai, huataki, rangaranga, whakatairangaranga, hiki