1. (location) the outside, out - used to refer to the space physically outside another defined space, e.g. a house, box, etc. A location word, or locative, which follows immediately after particles such as ki, i, hei and kei or is preceded by a when used as the subject of the sentence.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 15-16, 29;)
Ka rongo taku māmā i te karanga a Kahu, tere tonu tana puta mai ki waho o tō mātau whare. / When my mother heard Kahu's call, she rushed out of the house.
Synonyms: whakawaho
2. (location) the open sea (away from land), offshore.
Ao ake, kua kitea atu kua tae mai te tima ki Tūranga, e tū mai ana i waho o te ākau o te moana. / Next day it was seen that the ship had arrived and was anchored offshore.
Synonyms: waho atu, moana waiwai, tahora, au o te moana, aumoana, moana tuauriuri
3. (location) the coast (as opposed to inland).
Nō uta ētahi, nō waho ētahi. / Some are from inland and some from the coast.