1. (verb) (-tia) to repeat over and over, by rote.
Ka tahuri rā ia ki te ako tonu i a ia; nā te mea kāore anō ia i mōhio ki te tuhi, ki te kōrero pukapuka rānei, i tāruarua ai tana momo ako i a ia ki ngā pātai me ngā whakautu o te whakamātautau (TTR 1998:45). / He set about teaching himself because he was still unable to read or write, his method of learning was to learn the examination questions and answers by rote.
2. (modifier) repeated, reduplicated.
Ahakoa ngā epa tāruarua, i haere tonu te mahinga o te huarahi (Ng 1993:390). / Despite repeated objections, the road construction continued.
3. (modifier) recurring, repetitive.
Ko tā te tauira tāruarua, he whakaputa haere i te pūtaketake o te tauira (TRP 2010:263). / The purpose of a repetitive pattern is to bring out the base element of the pattern.
Synonyms: auau
4. (noun) repetition, repeating.
Mā te tāruarua i te tauira taki o tētahi puoro e puta ai tōna ūngeri (RTP 2015:98). / The rhythm of a piece of music comes from its repeating pattern of beats (RTP 2015:98).
Synonyms: tukurua, tāruatanga, tuaruatanga, pūrua