1. (verb) to be frequent, frequently, again and again, recurring.
Otirā, i nui ā tāua matapakinga i tēnei take o te whakanano mai i te kupu kāore i te mōhiotia, o te kupu kāore i auau te rangona (HM 4/2009:3). / But, we've had a great deal of discussion about this subject of questioning words that aren't known and words that are not heard frequently.
Synonyms: tāruarua
2. (noun) frequency, rate.
Kāhore ia i whakaae i te tuatahi, heoi, nā te auau o te werowero a Kāwana Kerei, riro ana i tā te Kāwana, whakaae ana ia (TWK 16:12). / At first he did not agree, but because of the frequency of Governor Grey's challenges, he agreed to what the Governor had requested.
Synonyms: pāpātanga