2. (noun) miser, miserly person, skinflint.
Ki te kīia te tangata he ringa poto, kua mōhio koe he matapiko taua tangata (HKK 1999:187). / If a person is called a 'ringa poto' you know that that person is a skinflint.
Synonyms: kaikoropeke, kaiponu, matapiko, pitokite, makitaunu, porokaihākere, atuapo, kaihākere
3. (noun) shorthand.
Ko ngā tamariki e uru ana ki tō runga kura o Hukarere e ākona ana ki te taka kai, ki te nēhi tūroro, ki te tuhituhi ringa poto (TKO 1/12/1917:12). / The children entering the upper school of Hukarere are being taught to prepare food, to nurse the sick and to write shorthand.
Synonyms: ringapoto