2. (noun) roughness, mountainous (of the sea).
Ahakoa te haruru o te hau, te pukepuke o te moana, haria atu ana a ia mā te waka tere ki te motu o Ruapuke tāpuke ai i te taha o ōna tūpuna (TTR 2000:242). / Despite the howling wind and the mountainous seas, he was ferried to Ruapuke Island to be buried by his ancestors.
Synonyms: whenewhene, pohepohe
3. (noun) hill, hillock, small hill, mound.
He tino whakaahua ātaahua ki a rātou ngā maunga, ngā pukepuke, ngā ngahere, ngā kapua, ngā pārae e hipokina nei e ngā tarutaru matomato (TTT 1/8/1926:442). / To them the mountains, hills, forests, clouds and the undulating country covered in lush grass is a beautiful picture.