1. (verb) (-a) to knock, make a knocking noise, sing a chant sung to an accompaniment played on two sticks.
(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 166;)
2. (noun) striking (of an instrument).
Ka puta tōna reo mā te katokato i te au, mā te raraku, mā te pākuru rānei ki tētahi rākau iti (RTP 2015:47). / Its voice emerges by plucking the string, by strumming, or by striking it with a small stick.
3. (noun) mouth resonator - a resonant rod held between the teeth at one end while the other is tapped rhythmically with another rod. The mouth is used as a resonator.
Nā, ka tae te mahi, he kū, he pākuru, he tō, he pūtōrino, he kōauau, he tōrehe, he tī papaki ringa, he porotiti, he kaupeka - kāore a Kae i kata (JPS 1928:270). / So they tried playing kū, pākuru, tō, pūtōrino, kōauau, tōrehe, hand-clapping, porotiti, and kaupeka - but Kae did not laugh.
4. (noun) stone hammer.
Ka orohia te pounamu hei matau, hei pākuru, hei tara tao (Te Ara 2013). / The greenstone was ground and made into fish hooks, hammer stones and points for spears.