1. (verb) (-tia) to twist, bend, pervert.
Nā aua nūpepa i whakariroi kē ana kōrero a Te Poki i kōrero ai (TW 7/9/1878:446). / Those newspapers twisted the statement that Te Poki gave.
Synonyms: whakatapeha, whakahawe, whakaparori
2. (noun) twisting, bending, perversion, misrepresentation, distortion, spin.
He kōrero hou tēnei, he whakariroi kē i ngā kōrero tūturu (TTT 1/4/1930:2043). / This is a new account, a misrepresentation of the true story.
Synonyms: whakanewha, whakakotiti, whakapeau