1. (noun) insertion.
He kēhua nōna te kuhu i ngā ringa ki te pākete, te noho, te haere tuohu rānei, te hūrorirori rānei o te haere. Kotahi tana haunga i taku tuarā ki tana hamarara i runga tima he kuhunga nāku i aku ringaringa ki ngā pākete o taku tarau (TP 4/1907:2). / Putting hands into pockets was anathema to him, as was sitting, slouching, or staggering about. On the ship he hit me once on the back with his umbrella because I put my hands in my trouser pockets.
2. (noun) joining up, entering, enlisting.
Nāwai rā, ka puta a Te Rangitāhau hei hoariri ki te kāwanatanga i te marama o Oketopa 1866 i tana kuhunga atu ki roto i te hokowhitu o Ngāti Hineuru (TTR 1994:154). / After a time Te Rangitahau emerged as an adversary of the government when, in October 1866, he joined about the Ngāti Hineuru force.
3. (noun) entrance, gateway.
Tapaina ai ngā moutere o Te Moananui-a-Kiwa kei te kuhunga ki tētahi whanga, ko Motutapu (TeAra 2017). / The islands at the entrance of Pacific Islands harbours were named Motutapu.
4. (noun) place of refuge, lair, hide-out, retreat, hideaway.
Kāore i roa ka horo a Winipāka, ka rere anō a Teini rātou ko ōna tāngata ki te rapu i tētahi atu wāhi hei kuhunga mō rātou, noho rawa atu i Kurunutāta (HKW 1/5/1900:6). / It wasn't long before Winburg fell and Steyn and his men fled to seek somewhere as a place of refuge, eventually settling at Kroonstad.