1. (verb) (-a) to utter deliberately, recite, pronounce, state.
Kua eke pea ki te wā e riro ai mā Māori anō ngā āhuatanga Māori e whakahaere kia ū ai ki tā te Māori i pīrangi ai, kaua ki tā tētahi atu i tātaku mai ai (HM 1/1992:2). / Perhaps the time has arrived for Māori to manage Māori affairs so that what Māori want is achieved, not according to what others say.
Synonyms: whakahua, whakahuahua, kauwhau, kauhau, taki, tapa, pānui, whakataki, takitaki
2. (modifier) recited, pronounced, stated.
Heoi anō whakapūkengatia ana ia ki ngā mahi tātaku whakapapa me ngā tikanga tawhito (TTR 1998:201). / However he was trained to recite genealogies and traditional practices.
3. (noun) statement, utterance, pronouncement.
Kua nui noa atu te tika me te pai o ana tātaku (TW 29/4/1876:182). / His statements are extremely accurate and appropriate.
Synonyms: whakapuakanga, whakapuakitanga