1. (verb) (-tia) to show disrespect, insult, put-down, make jibes, slight.
Synonyms: tīkai, whakaparanga
2. (modifier) disrespectful, impertinent, insolent, insulting, impudent, contemptuous.
Ka hāparangi atu te tama whakatīkai ki tōna matua (Ng 1993:105). / The disrespectful son shouted at his father.
3. (noun) disrespect, presumption, irreverence, impertinence, discourtesy, cheek.
Ko te ikeiketanga tēnei o te tapu o te whakatīkai i te tangata pokanoa (TWK 46:23). / This is the ultimate in the formal way of insulting an inconsiderate person.
Synonyms: tīkai